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  • Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

Terms of use


1. Hi, we’re Envato. We’ve met before over at Envato Market Terms. It’s good to meet you again and we’re really glad you’re keen on becoming an author with us.

2. Imagine creating what you want, when you want, from the comfort of your own home, making passive income whether you’re working or not. Some of our authors sell stock in their free time as a hobby, some do it to get their name out there, and some are able to make it their full time profession.

3. Becoming an author is easy and if you’ve reached this point then you’re already a member and you’ve accepted our Envato Market Terms. These additional terms for authors (‘Author Terms’) are an extra part of the Envato Market Terms that apply specifically to authors on the Envato Market. You’ll need to agree to them before you can become an author. These govern the relationships, rights and obligations of authors to us and buyers using Envato Market. You agree to put your items on Envato Market and make them available to buyers on the basis stated in the Envato Market Terms and these Author Terms.

As an author on the Envato Market you have responsibilities to us and buyers of your items. Please take the time to review these Author Terms carefully.

4. When we say ‘you’ in these Author Terms we are referring to you, the author. All other words defined or explained in the Envato Market Terms have the same meaning here. If there’s any inconsistency between what we say in these Author Terms and what is in the Envato Market Terms, what we say in these Author Terms prevails.

5. Read on for details about your author responsibilities, the process of selling your items on the Envato Market and how you can earn money with us.

Becoming an author

6. Becoming an author is free: Becoming an author and putting your items up on the Envato Market is free but there is a review process before your items go live. There are a few things you promise in exchange for the right to be an author, which are outlined in these Author Terms.

7. Process to become an author: There are easy steps you follow to sign up as an author, which are outlined on the Envato Market Become an Author guide. There you’ll find instructions and resources that will help you get started. You’ll also find information about payment, submission requirements and other important information about being an author on our Author Guide page.

How selling your items works

8. What you're providing:

  1. License: When you ‘sell’ an item, you’re making your item available to buyers and downloaders to use that item under certain conditions; you’re not actually selling the item itself. What you’re selling includes a license directly to the buyer or downloader to use that item under the relevant license options that we set.

    For the different types of licenses and detail about what rights you are licensing see our licensing page. Take a moment to understand how your work will be licensed!

  2. Item support: You can choose whether or not to support certain items. If you choose to support an item, this will be identified on the item page. All supported items include a support period. Buyers can buy support extensions on these items.

    To understand item support, like what items are covered, what you agree to provide buyers, the support period and support extension options, see the item support policy page.

9. The total price for an item on Envato Market is made up of:

  1. Item price: The item price is made up of a license fee (for the license chosen for the item), and if relevant the item support fee (for supported items).
  2. Buyer fee: This is the fee buyers pay Envato for the buyer services we provide buyers.
  3. Handling fee: In some transactions the total price may include a handling fee.
  4. Taxes: Some transactions may be subject to tax that may be added to the list price or handling fee.

    The list price is made up of the item price and buyer fee, and is the price on an item page.. See Envato Market Terms for information about all the parts of the total price.

10. Exclusivity: When you become an author, you can choose to make your items available exclusively on the Envato Market or have the option of selling your items elsewhere. As we explain next, the percentage of revenue you receive from each sale of your item will vary depending on your choice. You can change your exclusivity status which will affect the percentage of revenue you get after you change your status.

11. Your earnings; author fee: When your item is sold on Envato Market, you will earn the item price component of the list price less an author fee that we charge. The author fee is what you are charged by Envato for use of our platform and services as an author. The author fee is determined by whether you are selling the item only on Envato Market exclusively and by the aggregate value of list price sales you’ve had in the past. The author fee you pay to us is set out in the rates schedule that we can change at our discretion, from time to time. Any changes to these rates will take effect on and from the date on which notice of the variation is posted by us on Envato Market.

12. Setting the prices of items: We set the prices of items in some categories on Envato Market. We know how valuable your creations are to you and so we endeavour to make the prices we set for your items fair and in line with the going market rate. Even so, you acknowledge and agree that we have absolute control over the pricing of Envato Market items in categories where we set the prices. There are some categories known as 'author-driven pricing categories' where authors set the prices for their items. If you sell items in an author-driven pricing category, you must make all pricing decisions independently. This means that discussions about your pricing decisions are not permitted under any circumstances.

13. Review: When you think you’ve created an item suitable for Envato Market, you can submit that item to us to check the quality and whether it contains adequate information for buyers. We have rules about what we accept and don’t accept and you can read up on these in our author-related Envato Market information. Although we always like to provide constructive feedback we’re not obliged to give you any reasons for rejecting your item. We have the final say on whether items are accepted for Envato Market.

14. No Variation: You are not permitted to vary these terms (or our Envato Market Terms) as they apply between you and buyers, or to offer your items on different terms or with additional terms (for example, through your item description pages). Any different or additional terms that you try to impose on Envato Market on your items will have no effect against buyers or Envato.

生肖邮票中国邮票第三轮生肖邮票邮票收藏中国邮票上海邮票网邮票价格中国邮票邮票交易所奥运邮票 阴阳丁真,鉴定为真假 医研丁真,鉴定为脑谭 艺言丁真,鉴定为旧诗歌集吧 演绎丁真,鉴定为野性的美 营养丁真,鉴定为大飞柱 英语丁真,鉴定为Can Can Need 游泳丁真,鉴定为醇醇的溅出 茫茫城市中虽不见我的身影,但每一处地方,都有着关于我的传说。 欢迎观看我的故事,亲爱的来宾和我的动物朋友们。何家遭逢惊天大变,家道中落,父亲疯癫,母亲重病。 为了凑齐母亲的手术费,却被骗走祖传百年的老店。 获得鉴宝神瞳后,何林改写悲惨人生! 奇珍异宝,古玩字画,神瞳辨异,气运藏穴。 一双精金火眼,狂揽天下珍玩!南玄学院外院弟子刘天被人欺辱,意外激活须弥介质,12头掌管诸天万界的神兽化作他的玄灵.....从此逆天改命.....网瘾少年林徉魂穿大武朝,凭借着网上冲浪的经历纵横武朝! 造纸?我会古法造纸; 赶海?这个季节的沙滩有很多花旦蟹; 行医?脸上出现蜘蛛斑,一抹无痕。 …… 妖乱末世,巨兽屠城,万妖夜行,人间如狱。 神秘少年,半妖之身,踏上猎妖风云路,书写一代妖相传奇! 且看他,猎妖、除魔、斗巨鳖、擒天龙、佐明君、征天下、运筹帷幄、纵横捭阖、荡除妖兽、平定末世!顾八方携带《武学加点系统》穿越异界,本以为是低武世界,谁知竟然遇到了邪灵妖魔。 面对武者完全无法对付的邪灵,顾八方丝毫不慌,他开启武学加点提升,无限变强之路。 四十年功力! 八十年功力! 一百二十年功力! 当顾八方横推一切,拳裂天地,脚踏苍穹之时,高高在上的至尊们才彻底惊醒。 大乾人皇:谁言邪灵不可灭,八方一出天地清! 浩然宗主:顾八方,天下第一奇才,我愿称他为武道最强。 岳麓院长:见过顾八方,我才知道什么叫勇、悍、莽! 邪灵宗主:我和顾八方,到底谁才是最大反派啊?在那一天公司聚会陆游喝醉了,一觉醒来看着尸骨遍野的周围以为到了乱葬岗却不成想那是张角的黄巾起义。 至此他默默的加入了十八诸侯,看见了三英战吕布、见证了火烧赤壁败走华荣、也逢上了秋风五丈原、三家归晋。 他拥有令人艳羡的身世,他的的父亲是一国元首,而他的人生际遇却从没有受到过任何优待。 他拥有天生异能,他是传说中十二神石之首--“力量之源”的主人,但是这个异能却总在他需要时失灵。 他资质平平,没有一点武技和魔法的修为,却被上古邪灵看中,成为邪灵寄生体,变成了邪灵的傀儡。 他的梦想只是做一个普通人,但是命运总是跟他开玩笑,让一些不普通的事情跟他扯上关系,让他成为众人的焦点。 一个一心只想成为平凡人的他如何成就了他不平凡的一生,他的一生福兮?祸兮?穿越到玄幻世界,好不容易加入了圣地宗门觉醒了御灵系统 谁想到攒了几个月家底贷款炼制出来的御灵丹就被圣地的圣女师姐误食了 结果因祸得福,获得隐藏奖励 但是接下来的和灵宠服从性测试任务让白云琦傻眼了 “首先是原地转圈!” “然后是摸头舔手!” “最后是以坐骑形态出击!” ....... “师姐,你也不想你在大庭广众之下做服从性测试吧?” 本以为一次是意外,但一次接一次的被其他美少女吃下御灵丹,白云琦的心态发生了微妙的变化:这是御灵还是御人啊......言钦雅有四张面具,首为狐耳,是对黎明百姓仁慈与怜悯,然愚民不可救,围而攻之,遂出黑龙,怒而屠城;冷静之后,蝶衣覆面,游荡江湖,放逐为自由;奈何红颜为君倾,赠君鸣凰,携妻归庙堂。
世界上第一枚邮票 生肖邮票 世界上第一枚邮票 上海邮票网 邮票交易所 邮票收藏价格表 邮票网 邮票行情 邮票网 邮票价格 女幽灵 百度网盘下载 迅雷下载 邮票交易所 猴年邮票 中国邮票价格表 邮票收藏 大龙邮票 中国邮票 南京文交所钱币邮票交易中心 欧美群迅雷下载 邮票吧 邮票吧 民居邮票 邮票网 民居邮票 邮票价格 邮票市场 邮票交易所 邮票 邮票行情 邮票价格 纪念邮票 欧美群迅雷下载 奥运邮票 女幽灵 百度网盘下载 迅雷下载 生肖邮票 第三轮生肖邮票 文革邮票 上海邮票网 邮票互动网 鸡年邮票 人逆流芳午夜诡梦当繁星相继熄灭的时候毁坏的三观忘仙之旅天不生我诸天心劫上门狂婿入屠都市,姑娘按摩不人 行道破解版人生我的今世前缘娱乐:怒喷评委,全网求我写歌!审判将至我的淘金之路原神小说紫玉仙缘惊世斩天地球的再分裂:燕赵楚鼎立小浴室柜请复制到浏览器打开 大同二手房 实木衣柜 板材 红纹石价格 无锡搬家公司电话 高晶板厂家 搬家公司长途价格多少钱 大兴罗奇营联港家园房价 香奈儿家具 宁德二手房 临沂兄弟搬家公司电话 马桶修胚 北京海淀区沙发 什么叫水波帘 挂衣杆货架 混凝土排水管价格 家用沙发 电子城小区 万得窗帘 新明珠卫浴 泗泾二手房 水波帘最简单的制作 鸡翅木家具 坐蹲两用马桶 高位货架仓库 温州办公家具 防盗门的价格 橱柜价格表 干货架结构 木皮厂家 保温板价格 大厅水波帘头图片 曲靖二手房 普通住宅小区物业管理服务等级标准 纵向水波裁剪方法 窗帘幔头水波尺寸 复合土工膜价格 中宇浴室柜 树苗价格 昆山房价掉 上折水波缝制方法视频 小区配套的服务型用房属于谁 马桶桶距 茶室窗帘 二手房个人房源 家具人才网 马桶结构图 海格里斯仓库布局 上海市复兴中路的房价 医药仓库零货位总结 宜家沙发 气味 沙发家具厂家 贵人缘家具 苏州二手房搜房网 水波幔头裁剪图解大全 陆丰碣石龙泉小区商品房 济南二手房网 胶枪厂家 北辰小区 二手房 太湖货架 长沙市内搬家公司 老年人卫浴 超市货架图片大全 简单水波帘头裁法 大连华丰家具 上海私人搬家公司 武汉汉西苑小区是什么性质房产? 马桶主页 蚂蚁搬家公司的电话 北京房价下跌 元通站房价 江苏仓库 浮山前到青岛大学有哪些小区 中型货架厂 贵阳小区 水波帘头怎么裁 全国叫马桶 客厅鞋柜与挂衣柜酒柜图片 丰贝浴室柜 铝门窗厂家 玻璃贴膜价格 衣柜雁尾 女贞子价格 天津药房货架 舞板厂家 皇家英派卫浴 适老化卫浴 水波幔图片 平窗的窗帘 二手房过户费计算器 品卫浴室柜 细木工板价格 主卧室衣柜书柜 自动货架仓库 电脑桌价格 儿童衣柜图片 张家口天秀小区二手房 电子马桶 北京面包车个人搬家电话号码 半皮沙发 合成革 老化 搜索马桶 什么是水波窗帘